Project Description Wash rack / waste water collection slab and building. Service Performed Sloped floor to inset cast iron inlet with collection pit. Monolithic perimeter walls to contain [...]
Project Description Pavement Constructors won the bid to restripe the directional line for air craft to follow to designated maintenance areas. Service Performed Two coats chlorinated [...]
Hurricane Preparation Project Description: Hurricane Preparation Service Performed Seventy-two hours prior to Hurricane Ike making landfall Comcast, an existing client asked us to install [...]
Employee Parking Expansion Pavement Constructors provided scaled drawing parking layout with elevations and storm water plans to the City of Pearland to obtain permits. Pavement [...]
1500 Ton Foundation Pavement Constructors was asked by Technip to engineer and construct a 1500 ton foundation on their property. Beginning with an assessment of the technical requirements [...]
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